Medical Response

We respond to medically related calls for service alongside the Department of Campus Safety across the 125-acre DU campus, spread across 95 buildings, six residence halls and five apartment buildings, with a total campus population of well over 18,000, effectively a small city. Our team of Campus EMTs draw from students that are both nationally and state certified emergency medical technicians, who, under the watchful eye of an emergency physician at the Denver Health Medical Center, provide high-quality basic life support EMS services to the DU campus.

As a quick response agency, we boast response times that are typically under five minutes. Once we arrive on scene Campus EMTs initiate care assessing and treating the patient. We coordinate with the Denver Health Paramedics Division to provide advanced life support and transport to a local hospital if appropriate. We respond to 911 calls originating from DU-owned properties making our life-saving services just a call away. 

3 EMS workers at hockey game

Event Standby

DU EMS provides event standby services for a variety of DU programs. Be it a sports game at the Richie Center or a concert on Campus Green, our EMTs can provide high-quality professional services aimed at keeping event participants in the event, treating injuries and illness, and making referrals as appropriate. We also work alongside other public safety officials during high-profile events, providing staffing and expertise in event command posts and emergency operations centers. Use the contact us form to request information about how we can support your next event or send us an email,  


We are proud to be accredited by the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation (NCEMSF). This accreditation is a demonstration of our commitment to high-quality medical services and to patient and community safety. In February 2023 we were awarded the striving for excellence award from the NCEMSF, further recognizing our patient and community centered approach to healthcare. 


Safety & Privacy

DU EMS is committed to providing professional high-quality care to all DU community members during their most challenging moments. The health and safety of community members are of primary importance to the University. As healthcare providers, we maintain the highest levels of privacy.  

  • More Information

    DU EMS and Campus EMTs are confidential employees as that term is defined by DU Policy, which means we cannot and will not disclose any information we become aware of during the course of our official duties. We are bound by the privacy clause of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), complying with the DU Health and Counseling Centers Notice of HIPAA Privacy Practices. We are required to report to law enforcement, pursuant to Colorado Revised Statues 19-3-304, if we have a reasonable suspicion that child or elder abuse has occurred or an individual is a danger to themselves or others. Outside of these limited circumstances all information in the possession of DU EMS or any Campus EMT is completely confidential.

    DU recognizes medical amnesty. DU Honor Code, Page 13

    • When a student undertakes an intentional action to seek assistance from a University Official or emergency services for themselves or others to protect their health and safety, the reporting Student(s) or at-risk Student(s) involved will not be found responsible for alcohol- or drug-related violations of the Honor Code.  


    DU EMS does not administer Medical Amnesty. The Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities is the only department authorized to adjudicate alleged violations of the DU Honor Code. DU EMS is obligated to act in the best interest of every patient we encounter. Our priority is that of health and safety. We are not party to the student conduct process.    

    If you have any privacy concerns, please contact the Chair of EMS by emailing